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As a result of the Company’s expertise in Trust Real Estate Services and several long standing relationships with Corporate Fiduciaries and Estate Planning Professionals, we have formulated a unique niche service.




We act as Administrator and Managing Director of closely held family companies and corporations whose assets are primarily real estate related.

In this role, we make all the day-to-day decisions on the operation of the properties. This service is extremely valuable for families where by succession of interest, multiple family heirs may not have the expertise to operate the real estate assets. Often times, family members are unable to agree on decisions in the operations and administration of the family real estate portfolio. Unfortunately, this may result in considerable stress on relationships between siblings, family members, or heirs. We act as a “hired” impartial administrator to operate the real estate assets at their optimum level. We develop a business plan for the family portfolio, stabilize the assets, and add value to the real estate investments. This allows family members to repair and improve personal relationships. We strongly adhere to the “collaborative approach” which involves interfacing with the family attorney, CPA, and wealth management advisor to accomplish the desired results. We currently operate several family partnerships and corporations as part of our umbrella of services.

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